
At RJP Audio Overhaul, we operate only via prior appointment only. To get in contact with RJP Audio Overhaul in the first instance, please use the contact form below.

If you are enquiring about having a unit serviced, please give as much detail as you can. This will give us a better understanding of the type of unit and the issue you are facing.

    Our general availability times for appointments are below:

    Monday : Thursday 18:30 – 20:00

    Friday : 13:30 – 20:00

    Saturday / Sunday : 9:00 – 20:00

    Attention, currently closed to new admissions:


    Due to a high volume of incoming items at this time, we have taken the decision to currently suspend the admission of any further repair units. Once we have dealt with the current workload, we shall re-asses the situation.

    In the mean time, please feel free to monitor this message and contact us once it changes / is removed.

    Sorry for the inconvenience this causes.